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Join AFSCME Local 3506 for an informational picket

Adult Educators at Chicago City Colleges (CCC) have been working without a contract for nine months, and the CCC admin is continuing to stonewall in negotiations. Chancellor Salgado isn't even following city law requiring requiring paid time off for CCC Adult Ed teachers.

Tues, Apr 23, 1:30-2:30pm, Truman College

1145 W Wilson, Chicago

Click here to RSVP or get more information about City Colleges actions coming up.

City Colleges of Chicago and the Adult Education program are a vital part of Chicago's public education system, with a special focus on opportunity for poor, immigrant, working class persons. For years, Chancellors and previous Boards of Trustees have expanded central office administrative positions, while reducing teachers and classroom hours.  

Teachers and students deserve better!

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